HIGH school



Drinking, Drugs, and Depression. Three aspects that are inevitably part of High School life. It’s almost impossible for students to go through High School without running into these obstacles. Whether they are the one who carries out the action, is being influenced to do something, or is simply a by standard, nearly all teenagers are affected by the act of peer pressure. 

“Peer pressure only exists because popularity does. I can’t even tell you how many times I have done things in order to be considered ‘cool’ or so that I could hang out with a certain group of people. It’s like I’m in a competition 24/7. It’s so draining,” John Doe said.

Teens become accustomed to the acts of peer pressure and make bad decisions so frequently that it turns out to be a big aspect of their life. It starts to swallow up their day to day schedule. 

“I have hit a point in my life where nothing I do is fun unless I’m under the influence of something That’s why I force others into doing it with me because otherwise, I feel like I’m alone,” Jane Doe said.

The motives of most students at Elkhorn South to drink and do drugs seem to mostly be so that they can rid themselves of the painful emotion that they endure throughout the school year. 

“The stresses that come with being in high school lead a lot of people to take drugs that most people have probably only ever heard of in movies and never expect to actually see in real life, so when you see it happening… it kind of shocks you,” Jake Doe said. 

Others talked about how they hear their peers talk about abusing drugs in order to do good in school. When it comes closer to finals time and big tests like the ACT that is when people begin to get their hands on highly addictive pills. 

“It’s crazy to me that people go to certain extents, like taking drugs such as Adderall to focus, in order for them to get a good grade on a simple quiz or test when that little grade could possibly ruin their future if the wrong people find out,” Jake Doe said.

Some students said their rationale behind the poor choices they make is to portray to their peers that they have a positive outlook on life, to have fun, and that you can’t take high school too ‘serious’, when they are most likely the one’s having the worst high school experience. 

“The other kids at school think I love my life and I’m always happy just because they see me out on the weekends at parties, when in reality I’m just trying to cover up the fact that I wish I could go back to the way I used to be,” Jane Doe said.

These actions do not only affect the person who is consuming the illegal substances, but it also affects their relationships with their friends and fellow peers.

“I’ve lost some of my best friends because of their addiction to alcohol, drugs, juuling, etc. just because I told them that they couldn’t get me to do these so-called ‘hobbies’ of theirs. It hurts to see them in that certain state of mind so I try my best to help, but all they do is push me away,“ Jake Doe said.

When asked if peer pressure is ever positive, all my reactions from interviews were simply a “no”. After I got this response, in return I asked if there could possibly be something done to prevent this persuasion from occurring and I got multiple variety of answers. 

“I think that if Elkhorn South and society as a whole talked more openly about this issue it could easily prevent many teens and people in general from giving into this negative compulsion ,” John Doe said. 

Teens go into high school not prepared for the difficulties ahead. Talking about the side effects, long term issues, and possible deaths that can happen from these actions would influence the young eye to stray away from the desire to do these things.

“You think you have values and morals set in your head for the rest of your life, then you experience High School, and all of the innocence you once had leaves you one by one,” Jane Doe said.