Art by Snarr

Her hand dips the brush swiftly in the water, then back to the pallet, attempting to pick up the pale pigment of the water color. Back and forth between the water, paint, and the paper, her hand leaves behind a beautiful trail each time. There’s a certain kind of peace that comes with this journey for sophomore Claire Snarr.

Claire’s artwork has managed to catch the eye of her teachers and fellow classmates, alreading inspiring people.

“She’s doing things right now that not only I wished I [could’ve] done in high school, or I find that I would’ve had to be competitive with her in high school… but I see people when they walk by her work raise their eyebrows like, ‘Wow!’” art teacher Mr. Sutter said.

Snarr moved here from Texas. Creating art since age three, her talents aren’t limited to just paint and paper.

When Snarr moved here, she brought her ideas and inspirations along with her.  While living in Texas, Claire and a friend of hers got creative. Experimenting with ideas, the final product was an entire football team wearing customized cleats painted by Claire Snarr.

“My friend followed an Instagram page, and brought [it] up to me. He was like ‘Hey, these [cleats] are pretty cool,” Snarr said.

Kyle Salanoa, another student at Elkhorn South, has been able to experience Claire’s expertise first hand.

“I think she’s got a really unique style of art where she draws, paints, and does all kinds of stuff,” Salanoa said.

Salanoa was the first student in Elkhorn to own a pair of these personalized cleats. He was able to work with Snarr, and together, they created a pair of painted cleats.

“Working with Claire was fun [because] she made sure that I had a part in the making of my shoes,” Salanoa said.

Snarr’s willingness to do art for others allows an exhibition of freedom that no one else can claim. She’s offered many people a way to stand out and shine without having to go out of their comfort zone.

“I think that my ability to create art… helps to compel people to feel things, and I’ve always wanted to influence people,” Snarr said.