AP Classes



Taking advanced classes while still in High School allegedly helps students prepare for higher level classes that they will have to take in college. Elkhorn South High School counselors push taking these classes on students in order for them to be prepared for the future and get ahead in their college career. Although AP classes are suggested and provide long-term benefits, these courses do not always fit students’ intellectual level and can be very rigorous.

Despite the fact that most advanced courses at Elkhorn South get a bad reputation for their intense curriculum,  AP classes, such as AP United States History, come naturally to some students.

“My first AP test that I ever took I only missed two. Not only did I shock my teacher, but I couldn’t believe it myself. I did not have the opportunity to take AP World like most of my other friends, so I had no other experience with a difficult class. When I have to read from the textbook and listen to lectures that Mr. Murray gives, information that i’m given just sticks with me. At times the class can get tough, but I think that the challenge makes me a more well-rounded student and prepares me for college courses,” junior livia Mindermin said.

While few students have this ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ mentality, several students take these higher level classes in order to keep up with their acquaintances and stay in the same courses with their classmates.

“I honestly do not try very hard, but I also just try to get an average grade, nothing spectacular. I take it as a class to show me how college courses might be set up, but I don’t put stress on myself to get a super one or as a GPA booster. Over the year of taking APUSH I have realized I am not the best studier or test taker. Slowly I have started to accept it. I do not regret taking the class, but it has certainly taken a toll on my mental health from the amount of work we are given every day,” junior Skylar Faris said.

For others they realize they are not fit to be placed in AP classes so students expect that they will be able to drop if a class becomes too challenging, but they are either forced by their parents or highly encouraged by their counselors to pursue these courses.

“It’s frustrating because at the beginning of the year I went into APUSH knowing I would try my best even if i did think it might not work. When it came to the end of the semester, I decided it would be best to drop the class. When I mentioned it to my counselor it took a lot of persuading for her to even consider, and morale of the story I didn’t get to drop. I do think that it is always good to push your learning abilities to the highest extent, but APUSH is so difficult for me sometimes I’m not even learning because I am constantly focusing on how bad my grade is. The class makes me feel dumb when I actually try really hard,” junior Joey Feldhacker said.