Journalist Chloe Gregg Reviews the most Crafty Event of the Year
Crisp fall air, the smell of apple cider doughnuts, and vendors: Junkstock is here! The annual Junkstock Harvest Edition happened these past few weekends in Waterloo, Nebraska at Sycamore Farms. The festival, which takes place in spring, summer, and fall, is known for its food, picturesque photo opportunities, vendors and more! The junkstock vendors vary from people selling jewelry, candles, clothing, to literall junk. One will not be surprised when opening up Instagram and seeing that every single teen girl you follow has been to Junkstock at least once if not twice.
This past Saturday my friend Ellie and I brought our dogs along as we walked through Junkstock. My marmaduke of a dog did miraculously well as we navigated our way through the crowds of people and pets that swarmed throughout the festival.
We treated not only ourselves to apple cider doughnuts, but splurged on our dogs and bought them a couple doggie treats one of the vendors were selling. It is easy to assume that one (meaning me) can spend a fairly large amount of money at Junkstock. While the admission for Junkstock is only ten dollars, one can’t not be tempted by the large apple cider doughnut signs or lavender lemonade that catch their eye as they enter the festival grounds.
Stopping here and there for a couple instagram worthy photos, Ellie and I made our way through the vendors, restraining ourselves from buying everything we deemed a necessity. Our dogs Gus and Winston became fast friends as they realized they would need to stick together to survive their owners dragging them along in every direction, scouring for hours on end at the large selection of food and jewelry.
Don’t be mistaken, our dogs thoroughly enjoyed a large portion of Junkstock, as every ten feet we were stopped and asked if Gus and Winston could be pet. Basking in the glory of it all, Gus and Winston stuck it out until the end and earned many “Such a good boy, yes, who’s a good boy!”
Thankfully I managed to remain under 100 dollars, splurging a little on new jewelry bracelets and a couple dog treats for Gus-Gus.
Safe to say, I can cross another year off of attending Junkstock as we enter into the fall festivities gearing up for Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Hi! My name is Chloe Gregg, and I am a Senior. I am a columnist, and this is my second year on the Storm Alert staff!