Spirit Week Highlights

It is that time of year again ESHS. Spirit Week is a key part of homecoming, and puts everyone from the players, to the students, to the teachers in  an exciting mood for homecoming. It allows people to show up in silly outfits and express their spirit of ESHS to everyone else at school. Spirit week is designated to various themed activities, and are usually meant to hype up school spirit. Students are encouraged to wear outfits that reflect the certain themes for the day.

This year for spirit week so many people dressed up, and by having so many upperclassmen dressing up it makes the underclassmen excited, and makes them want to partake in the spirit wear as well. We strongly encourage everyone to dress up for spirit week and be involved with showing off their school spirit. As well as taking that energy from the week and using it to be loud at the football game on Friday night. 


The spirit week themes this year were:

-‘Merica Monday

Tacky Tourist Tuesday

Western Wednesday

Jersey Thursday

Class Color Friday (Freshman: Gold, Sophomores: Navy, Juniors: White, and Seniors: Black)

Then the theme for Friday Nights Homecoming Game is (Neon Night)


Chants for Football Section on Homecoming game night just incase any underclassmen don’t know it yet are listed below:

Battle cry ( freshman go first, then sophomores, then juniors, last seniors) cheerleaders will start this chant and they say, “freshman freshman don’t be shy, stand and yell your battle cry”. Then freshman stand up and SCREAM “V-I-C-T-O-R-Y THAT’S OUR FRESHMAN BATTLE CRY”. Once freshmen are done sophomores stand up and SCREAM the same thing but replace freshman with sophomore. Then it just continues on with the next grade.

Just a reminder to be loud and show off your ESHS spirit through school chants, and as always ROLL STORM!!!