Pandemic Positivity
There are a lot of terrible things that Covid-19 has resulted in, however the number of positives that have come from this global pandemic is something worth recognizing.
As a Starbucks barista, I often experience the parts of the job that go unseen: spilt drinks, sassy customers, and messed up orders. This also means that I get to watch the smiling faces of customers when I tell them that the person in front of them actually paid for their order.
As Covid-19 took over the entire world and numbers of victims increased, so did the level of generosity. When Omaha experienced a suggested quarantine, Starbucks’ drive-through was the only outing that many people would experience in days or weeks, and it showed.
Customers at the window were far more talkative. Many of them were easy to have conversations with and smiled at the smallest of things. While some people tipped in large amounts (sometimes bigger than their total cost), others would request to pay it forward.
Paying it forward isn’t a concept completely unheard of. There have been a multitude of shifts that I’ve worked where, after paying for their own order, someone asks to pay for the person behind them. It’s one of the things that keeps me on my toes.
The average length of a “pay it forward” chain was typically 2-3 cars. During pandemic, we would see chains that surpassed 5 cars. It was one of the first things that I noticed.
Taking a look outside of the small space that I worked in, I began to notice the positive side effects on a global perspective. It became much easier to get a small smile out of a stranger and kind-hearted text messages expressing gratitude became more common.
Networking across social media grew to be much more popular and the creative minds of people began to express themselves.
Through this entire process, it has come increasingly clear to me that this may be something that was necessary: a hard reset.
Whether or not global warming is something you believe in, it has become increasingly clear over the last few years that Earth is dying. However, during this global transition, statistics show that the health of our environment is increasing day by day.
As a human race, we tend to be greedy. We work for more, we spend for more, we waste a lot of our lives wanting more. As Corona forced people to work from home or cease working for the time being, it became much easier for them to look around and appreciate their current surroundings. Many people got to REALLY see their families for the first time in a while. Others began to appreciate the simple beauty of their personal environment.
The list only continues.
I assure you that I am not insensitive. I see all of the awful things that Corona has done to the community, the economy, and humanity. It is a devastating sight.
I simply choose to find silver linings. If we all focus on the bad, these last few months will have been a waste of time.
I want this pandemic to be over just like anyone else. Unfortunately, I don’t have a solution or a secret cure. But I do know the secret to enjoying the inevitable.
Instead of spending every day anticipating the end, find the things around you that make this time enjoyable. Appreciate the extra time with your family. Pick up a new hobby or read a book. Get to know yourself.
This pandemic affects the entire world. Every single person across the globe has lost something. We have all given up and sacrificed. So imagine what could happen if we all came out of this completely remade? Each and every one of us a little bit more grateful, able to be happier, and easier to please? What kind of global change would happen then?

My name is Calli Gregory and I am a Senior Design Editor. This is my second year on the staff!