Here we go again #HOCO2019
It’s here. Homecoming week 2019 has finally arrived. This past Monday marked the start of spirit week, juniors and seniors battle it out at powder puff on Wednesday, dresses picked out months ago, or last weekend, receive their final touches, nails are painted, tans are sprayed, proposals have been posted on Instagram, and people are excited.
Homecoming and its corresponding spirit days are part of the most exciting week for many high schoolers; freshmen haven’t experienced a high school dance, sophomores are trying to top their awkward freshman self, juniors are participating in their first year of powder puff, and seniors are making the most of their last homecoming traditions. But with all of the fun brought on by the theme days, the dance, and all other festivities of the season, there is also a lot of stress added to teens already crowded minds.
Not only is high school stressful as is for students, homecoming does not do anything to alleviate the pressure. Dress, or suit, shopping, for many, often starts when classes commence in August, for there is much room for error in trying to find that perfect one. I can testify to the inconsistency of size charts from personal experience of a bad online order. Shoes and accessories come a little later, followed by planning the hair, nails, make-up, spray tans, and whatever else has to be done to prepare one’s appearance for the dance.
As looks are being planned out, feature by feature, there also must be planning put into the events themselves. Going down the list, we have theme day outfits, dinner reservations, corsage and boutonniere, place to take pictures, house to get ready at, plans for afterwards, etc., etc., etc., and of course, who to go with.
For many people, this isn’t really that much of a question. For me, I’ve gone with the same group of friends since freshman year. For others, they’re still going strong with their boyfriend or girlfriend since their first homecoming. The rest of the student body though? Some are caught between going with their boy/girlfriend or their friends, or aren’t sure if that person will ask them, or if anyone will ask them to go. This can be the most stressful part for certain people because of the unknown that can be associated with it, but for those who do know who they’re taking to the dance, there is one more level of added stress they must face.
Homecoming proposals aren’t popular anymore, nope, they’re pretty much mandatory. Guys surprising their desired dates with a quirky, relatable, Instagramable sign and gift to ask them to the dance. Although some are simply cute and punny, others take them a little far with expensive gifts (like an iPhone…) or extravagant gestures. This fun aspect of being surprised at home, school, work, or an activity is cute and postable, but, sometimes, is just another aspect that is stressed over. What to put on the sign, what gift to give, when to ask, where to ask, will they say yes?
At the end of the day, this week is supposed to be a fun way to show spirit for you school leading up to the big homecoming game, then have a great time getting ready, taking pictures, eating dinner, and dancing with your friends and peers. All the preparation can sometimes be too much, and I am guilty of getting my dress two months in advance, so I understand. All I want to say is this is one of the best weeks of the school year, don’t give yourself more stress than you can handle. Go with who you want, take cute pictures, ask however you please, but honestly just have a great time and forget the stress, because for many, this comes around again next year.

Hi! My name is Cambri Rolfes. I am a columnist and Design Editor-In-Chief and this is my second year on staff!

Hi! My name is MacKenzie Wheatley and I'm Junior! This is my first year on the Storm Alert Staff!